Monday, April 26, 2010

LONG week- oak tree, fence repair, server failure, metal building moving

Well let's see. First I had to clear a HUGE oak tree off of my back fence. I want to give a shout out to my neighbor WDM (he is a private guy)for letting his guys help me get the trunk off of the fence, a dozer makes all the difference in the world. Once we got it off the fence, and delimbed I let them push the trunk to the burn pile and proceeded to cut the limbs up in good firewood size chunks. Mom and Dad have a fireplace and there was no sense in the wood going to waste. No joke the butt end of a couple of these limbs were over 18 inches across. Didn't get a tape out, but I'd bet one was over 24". After I got the area around the fence cleaned up, as every country boy knows you have to fix the fence. Not a real big deal, but I am going to have to cut the woven wire and re-stretch that section of fence as that's the second thing that has fallen on it.

Next bit of excitement this week is that my primary storage server had started shutting down for no discernable reason. At random intervals I would attempt to access it, and it just wouldn't be there. This is a very worrying problem as there are almost 6 terabytes of data on that system. Well. . . sorta it was there enough that the DNS server running on it would prevent my network from failing over to the backup DNS server built into my router, strange that. Anyway after 3 days of trouble shooting, I decided to pull the system out of the rack. That is not a trivial undertaking. This system is in 2 four unit rack mounts that are semi-bolted together. There are 18 Hard Drives in it and 4 redundant power supplies. Even with everything pulled out of it that can be, it is HEAVY. So I pull everything out and put it up in my workbench. Power supplies are checking out fine, no noise issues, not overly warm, but still locking up with no rhyme or reason. Thursday I finally get my fill, and tear it apart. Well one of the CPU cooling fans has died on it with absolutely no way to figure that out from the outside of the case. I have replaced that and the system has been rolling along fine now ever since. I have it on my short list to try and find some software that will let me monitor this on these older tyan motherboards.

Last, but not least I had someone donate a portable storage building to a friend of mine, and we moved it Saturday. For those of you that think I only travel around at mach 3 or higher unless I am coming in for a landing. You need to travel over to my youtube page here and check out the video I shot. It will blow your mind!

On the internet front, I have added comments to my webpage. I even allow posting comments as a guest, so feel free and drop by to leave me a note. You can also call and leave me a voicemail though google voice.

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