Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

I don't KNOW that I will never be able to write with the eloquence of AD, so go read his annual Father's Day post here. However I will try and write something so take your tissue and go read him, then come back.

My Father and I, much like AD and his, have our contentious periods. Although we haven't had one in quite a while there were times that I would want nothing to do with him, he infuriated me so much. We are so different in so many ways that it is hard to find common ground between us. All that being said if I need him he will be AND is there. I don't know if I can express that strongly enough or often enough. No matter what happens, no matter how much we may have made each other mad, I KNOW that if I need him, he is there. I love him dearly, and I dearly hope that he understands that.

I remember the hunting we used to do. I never have been worth spit at shooting doves on the wing. Dad SLAYs them. However, he would always take me. Moving around bored on the hunting stool (which scares away the doves), he knowing I would do it, still took me. Smart aleck kid that I was (am) he still took me.

Fishing, let me tell you my Daddy, when he does something he does it Full Bore 100%. My Dad is one of the few people I have EVER seen that can make fishing work. He loves it, but to watch him do it, it's like someone was paying him a fortune for every fish he catches, and is watching to make sure he does it right, but you know, that is just the way he is. When he does something, anything, he does it full bore, wide open, gonna get it done, and done right! That is the way he is, and always has been. I am the same way, just not to the extent that he is. I remember how much it made him mad, we would be fishing, but not catching, and he would look back there and see me with my pole in the water, and a Louis L'amour book in my hand reading. He knew I would do it if the fish weren't biting, and he still took me.

So Thank You Dad, for being there, putting up with me. Because I know that the best of me comes from You and Mom, but today is Fathers Day, and I want the world to know that

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